SC-186 Anglesite with Linarite and other copper minerals (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Miniature, 3.5 x 3 x 2.75 cm

John Schneider Photo

A unique and colorful specimen obtained directly from the Zweibels, this anglesite is actually, I think, an intergrown twin. It is a floater, as well. It has oriented bands of blue and green copper mineralization wrapping around the specimen and these colors contrast starkly with what seems to be a covering of drusy, second-generation anglesite coating the large original anglesite crystals. Overall, the thing looks like a fancy snocone, rather than a mineral specimen!

SC-68 Quartz-coated Tennantite on Quartz (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Cabinet, 10 x 8 x 6 cm

John Schneider Photo

This sharp, 2-inch crystal on matrix is regarded by many as world's best for species, for its sharp aesthetics and sparkling surface. A microscopic layer of quartz coats this PERFECT and PRISTINE crystal, giving it an amazing shimmer and sparkle. It is also a perfectly balanced crystal , showing all its terminations fully. Superb! Much better in person - the picture is overlit to show more detail, to the detraction of the true lustre. Ex. Lange Collection

SC-150 Anglesite
(1st Oxidation Zone), Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 7 x 6 x 3.5 cm

A superb and geometrically bizarre anglesite crystal habit, that is surely an antique piece from the oldest levels of the mine. It turned up in a collection in the midwest just last year, and went right into Sussman's collection. It has a good lustre and odd greenish-yellow color to it, plus those nice beveled crystal terminations.

SC-25 Anglesite with Posnjackite (SOLD)
(1st Oxidation Zone), Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 8.5 x 5 x 4 cm

John Schneider Photo

Again, a superb, geometrically bizarre anglesite crystal, that is surely an old beastie from the oldest levels of the mine. It is surprisingly aesthetic, despite being color-challenged!

SC-185 Tennantite (twinned)
Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Erik Louw Collection
Miniature, 5 x 4.5 x 4 cm

John Schneider Photo

A sharp, complete-all-around, cluster of several intergrown and twinned tennantite crystals, featuring a very high degree of sharpness for this size of crystal. It is a floater, and to display it I have had a custom-made lucite base made for it so that it can stand upright. Erik Louw was a miner on the dioptase stope who traded extensively and accumulated one of the finest Tsumeb miniatures collections, purchased in entirety by the Sussmans in the late 1990's.

SC-187 Anglesite on Tennantite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Erik Louw Collection
Miniature, 5 x 4 x 3 cm

This unique combination piece features doubly-terminated anglesite crystals to almost 2 cm overgrowing the tips of a sharp tennantite crystal! The tennantite is perched at the tip of a thin plate of massive tennatite matrix coated with dolomite crystals ... the piece is much better in person than indicated! A superb Tsumeb miniature for all of these reasons : aesthetics, rarity, and the unusual combination of these two mineral species. Erik Louw was a miner on the dioptase stope who traded extensively and accumulated one of the finest Tsumeb miniatures collections, purchased in entirety by the Sussmans in the late 1990's.

SC-188 Mimetite
Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Evan Jones Collection
Small Cabinet, 8 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm

John Schneider Photo

A hedgehog-shaped specimen with classic "Tsumeby" yellow mimetite crystals to 1.5 cm shooting out in all directions. Minor damage in the form of missing crystals here and there (mostly peripheral) but still, for richness and color and the sheer NUMBER of sharp and pristine crystals a great piece!

SC-137 Mimetite on Mimetite
Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 7.5 x 5 x 3 cm


This unusual, bubbly, multigenerational mimetite specimen was purchased in Windhoek from a collector named Johannes Bruner, in 1997. Not the most crystallized mimetite in the world, but a decidedly unusual specimen of elegant beauty nonetheless, with the second generation of mimetite bubbling up and over the earlier crystals.

SC-77 Mimetite on Smithsonite (found 1920) (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 8 x 6 x 5 cm


A VERY unusual combination piece both for the association itself (which is uncommon for some reason) and for the simple fact that the smithsonite is plain weird. I've never seen a smithsonite from Tsumeb quite like it, with its botryoidal form and yellow (cadmian?) color. Labels take it back to 1920.

SC-32 Mimetite on Tennantite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Cabinet, 12 x 10 x 6 cm

John Schneider Photo

A unique and dramatic association specimen with mimetite coating (and partially replacing, I think) some very sharp, well-formed tennantite crystals! The mimetites have a brilliant lustre and golden color to them and the piece is just gorgeous in person. The matrix is unusual in that it is CRYSTALLIZED quartz, a rarity in and of itself from Tsumeb.

SC-188 Mimetite with Wulfenite (thumbnail)(SOLD)
Gem Pocket 1971, Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. James and Dawn Minette Collection
Thumbnail, 2 x 1 x 1 cm

A unique and dramatic association specimen with a sidecar wulfenite crystal perched on the gemmy mimetite . This is, to my taste, the best Gem Pocket thumbnail I have seen for sale!

SC-187 Mimetite (SOLD)
Gem Pocket 1971, Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Marion Stuart, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Collections
Small Cabinet, 6.25 x 5 x 3 cm

John Schneider Photo

This specimen is from the famous “Gem Pocket" of mimetite found in 1971 and not surpassed since by any mimetite from any location, according to most people who score such things (though China is giving them a good run). As you can imagine, they are highly desirable and hard to obtain after some 30 years. Just a handful are for sale in any given time, now. This specimen was in the collection of the LA County Museum and at some point was exchanged with Carnation Milk heiress and world-class mineral collector, Marion Stuart. When her collection was dispersed in 1999 by Wayne Thompson and Dave Bunk, this piece was sold to Marshall and Charlotte. Most surviving Gem Pocket specimens are small (some of you have probably seen several 20k-plus small mini's that were half the size of this one and no better in quality floating around at certain shows). THIS piece is the single largest gem pocket specimen I have seen on the market, personally, or even heard about. It is a showy palm-sized plate with superb luster, excellent gemminess, and NO damage. A few crystals reach almost 2 cm though the best one, a doubly-terminated barrel atop, is 1.25 cm. I think this price is eminently reasonable for a specimen of this quality and size.



The Arkenstone - Dr. Robert Lavinsky
PO Box 450788
Garland, TX 75045-0788
Phone 972-414-9003 "normal hours" Central Time Zone, E-Fax 413-581-0589

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