SC-139 Azurite on Malachite ps. after Azurite
Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 7.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm
This complete-all-around, 3-dimensional specimen has two VERY unusual facets to it: firstly, the offset, unreplaced azurite spear atop; secondly, the startling "eye" of chatoyant malachite about the stalk. The Sussmans had seen literally thousands of the infamous Tsumeb malachite pseudos, and so any keepers, as you can imagine, had to be pretty damned good to make the cut. This one is truly, visually, impressive and unique.
SC-125 Malachite ps. after Azurite on Smithsonite (!) (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 8 x 6 x 4.5 cm
This is both an old piece & a RARE ASSOCIATION with great labels: Paul Eggleston (i.e. Egglestonite) of Strassburg in 1927; AMNH Museum; Roberts Minerals; and lastly from the Bill Smith Collection via Dave Bunk. On the old label, it is noted to have been found on the 160 meter level. The piece is complete all around and consists of a 3-dimensional updside-down bowl of smithsonite, lustrous and yellowish, on which the malachite crystals perch. The malachite crystals are velvety, and richly colored, and pristine as well. The bowl is hollow and has a hole at the bottom, behind the large crystal as shown (with the smithsonite inverted, in other words, for the display view i chose). Other pics on request show the 3-dimensional form perhaps more clearly. If you really set to thinking on it, you'll realize this combination is quite rare; and it had not occurred to me until it was pointed out to me, as well.
SC-91 Malachite ps. after Azurite
Tsumeb, Namibia
Small Cabinet, 6.5 x 6 x 2.5 cm
John Schneider photo
A superb and EXTREMELY SHARP example of this pseudomorph, purchased in 1992 directly from the Zweibels. It is complete all around and consists of a perfect crystal on a natrual pedestal.
SC-74 Malachite ps. after Azurite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Miniature, 5 x 3 x 2.5 cm
An extremely sharp specimen, with uncharacteristically fine form to the crystal on the display face! This crystal is the sharpest malachite pseudo azurite I have seen from Tsumeb, and is Moroccan in quality, even. Its perfectly flat, matte green faces make it look carved! It is complete and undamaged all around, though contacted on the back face and so presenting this one best display view. It passed from dealer Helmut Bruckner to the Leithauser collection, from which I sold it to the Sussmans last year.
SC-130 Malachite ps. after Azurite (sceptred (!)) (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Nauke Oechslin Collection
Miniature, 5.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm
John Schneider photo
This complete-all-around, 3-dimensional specimen has a VERY unusual facet to it: the offset, literally sceptred malachite terminations - unlike any I have seen. The Sussmans had seen literally thousands of the infamous Tsumeb malachite pseudos, and so any keepers, as you can imagine, had to be pretty damned good to make the cut. This one is truly, visually, impressive and unique. From the Nauke Oechslin Collection, purchased in Africa in the early 2000: a noted collection mentioned in Gebhard’s Tsumeb books.
SC-55 Malachite ps. after Azurite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Nauke Oechslin Collection
Cabinet, 13 x 6 x 4 cm
John Schneider photo
This "jackstraw" arrangement is delicate in appearance, though sturdy in reality. It is a very different style for this material, and highly aesthetic in person! I have seen smaller crystal clusters of this type but never one so large (and pristine!). Amongst all the more common types of such crystals, this piece stands out. From the Nauke Oechslin Collection, purchased in Africa in the early 2000: a noted collection mentioned in Gebhard’s Tsumeb books.
SC-69 Malachite ps. after Azurite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Cabinet, 9.5 x 6 x 4.5 cm
A superb example of the classic pseudomorph, with a much sharper-than-normal crystal, literally like a spear, pointing straight up from a cluster of smaller crystals and massive malachite. It is VELVETY, gorgeous, and has a rich green color. It passed from dealer Helmut Bruckner to the Leithauser collection, and then was sold by me to the Sussmans when I purchased that collection in 2003
SC-149 Malachite ps. after Azurite (SOLD)
Perkin Sams Pocket, Tsumeb, Namibia
Cabinet, 10.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm
This is an unusually well-formed crystal from the famous Perkin Sams pocket, found in the late 1970s at Tsumeb and nicknamed after the Houston oilman who bought much of the pocket and donated it to the Houston Museum. It has the common characteristic of the pocket of being rather elongated in form, thick and blocky in habit, and mostly altered to a very velvety, chatoyant malachite style. Only a few such crystals "escaped" into private collections by various means at the time. Again, this has the classic form of the pocket, but in a MUCH more elegant, elongated form than they usually occur with. It tapers from a broad termination to a slightly more slender base, and is quite a bit better in person. It is pristine and complete all around, 360 degrees!
SC-50 Malachite after Azurite with Quartz druse coating - P.O.R.
Tsumeb, Namibia
ex. Evan Jones Collection
Small Cabinet, 6 x 5 x 3.5 cm
John Schneider photo
WOW. This one has to be seen to be believed....the pics won't do it. It consists of a very sharp pseudo with a brilliantly sparkling coating of quartz druse that makes it glow in a way no other malachite pseudo that I have ever seen does. It is a world-class mineral, of any species. Complete all around and near-pristine save for two insignificant dings or contacts. ex. evan jones collection, purchased from chuck leavitt (phoenix) in 1994
SC-10 Malachite ps. after Azurite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
nauke oechslin collection 2000
Large Cabinet, 18 x 11 x 4 cm
This is simply an obscenely huge and pristine specimen, with a rich velvety color to it and a major crystal that is both complete and doubly-terminated!
SC-49 Malachite ps. after Azurite on Mottramite (SOLD)
Tsumeb, Namibia
Large Miniature, 6 x 4 x 4 cm
John Schneider photo
A supremely attractive miniature with the best velvety texture and chatoyant green color you could ask for in a malachite pseudo from Tsumeb, perched smartly on an unusual matrix of bubbly mottramite. The contrast of forest green upon grass-green is striking!
Arkenstone - Dr. Robert Lavinsky
PO Box 450788
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